This little piece of ass was written on Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at around 6:48 p.m.

I don't want to murder people God, but look at these morons you send to me!!!

From Suzanne: My Final Thoughts ----------------- Assclown, I'm not going to mention other people here ever again ( I am an Ass clown and I HAVE learned my lesson ) blah blah blah...kill me... blah blah blah [read the rest of this never-ending bullshit in the guestbook.]

Assclowns say: It's people like you that drive me to homicide.

This little piece of ass was written on Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at around 6:46 p.m.

Bugafelia or lesbian..I'd take carpet licking any day. (Yeah I made up bugafelia, so what you wanna fight about it?)

From Gina G: Events have taken a strange, and scary turn. After the ordeal with the mosquito babies and my boyfriend breaking up with me, i decided to turn to the advice of my mother. I went to her for help, expecting a little support, and she actually called me a slut and kicked me out!! YES THE S WORD! i mean, i'm only 13, what the hell is a girl supposed to do?! So i ended up on the street and a woman approached me and offered to take me home with her. Which is where I am now. Then she started hitting on me. I'm under sthe impression that she'll let me stay with her in return for sexual favours...Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Assclowns say: In your case, I'd say that's an improvement from fucking mosquitoes.

This little piece of ass was written on Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at around 6:44 p.m.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

From CheeseMan: Dude, I'm addicted to cheese! I cant stop eating cheese. I love to smell it, too. When I go to the store, where do u think I go first? The cheese isle! Plz help me become less addicted to cheese! Also since I eat it so much I can never fully enjoy leaving a nice big dump in my office building's bathroom. Plz help!

Assclowns say: Ok here's what you do... DON'T EAT CHEESE. Next.

This little piece of ass was written on Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at around 6:42 p.m.

We agree.

From cozmikgurl79: Yeah, yeah. I was a total assclown for not signing my last entry. The roommate one was mine. Sorry for my dumbass-ness.

Assclowns say: Yes you are.

This little piece of ass was written on Saturday, Aug. 09, 2003 at around 6:36 p.m.

If I had a dime for everytime I've been asked how to stick it to someone..ahhhh

From anonymous: Thanks for the great advice! My roommate was so impressed by my evil revenge, she has become less of an ass-clown and has recruited me to help her. You see, her co-workers are a bunch of cunts. They totally lied to her when they hired her! What can we do to totally stick it to the corporate man?!

Assclowns say: Tell her to stab him in the face with a pitch fork. That oughtta learn him.

This little piece of ass was written on Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 at around 10:03 a.m.

Get off the nuts

From Luvlee@CUnt: Hi it's me again. I'm so sorry that I posted all of Suzanne's personal information, (or at least what I thought I knew about her). You see, like I said before I have no life, and I was trying to be creative, like those girls on the EZboard that I worship. I know I am far too lame to even come close, so I fall back on my wanna-be cyber-stalker "skills". I wish I had a life or a man and wasn't up posting at 5 O'clock in the morning, but this is the best I can do. My own board is so lame that I can't stop reading the ezboard, those girls rock! I wish I could be like them. I'm to chicken shit to give out my own URL, so I used theirs instead. Anyway, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for ruining your really cool guestbook with my nonsense and to beg you to delete all of the personal information that I spent my worthless life endlessly searching the internet for. I am afraid that I might get sued, I was too stupid to realize that it is illegal when I originally posted it.

Assclowns say: Too late, dumbass. You should have thought of that before. No ones going to sue you anyway, chances are better they will just mutilate your genitals. Now go play Russian Roulette already.

Back That Thang Up * Do Me In The Butt

Spankin' New+ Old Ass+ Assbook+ Assmap+Ass Layout+Ass Behind the Assclowns+Diarrhealand

Disclaimer: You ask, I answer. It's that simple. If I hurt your feelings, I really don't care. It won't do any good to sue me because I have no money anyway.